With Guest
Eric Carrasquilla
Key Takeaways:
In this episode of the Scale Up Valley podcast, Mike Dias interviews Eric Carrasquilla, CEO of Vendavo. They discuss Eric's journey from product management to CEO, the value proposition of Vendavo as a commercial operating system, and key insights from Eric's first 90 days in the role. Eric emphasizes the importance of clarity, speed, and culture in leadership, and introduces the V2MOM framework as a tool for organizational alignment. The conversation also touches on building the right team and fostering a culture that supports growth and success. Takeaways Vendavo helps companies unlock profitable growth.
Speed in decision-making is essential for success.
Culture is set by the CEO and is vital for the organization.
Growth mindset is necessary in a scale-up environment.
Simplifying goals helps in achieving clarity and focus.
Building the right team is critical for achieving goals.
Published on
January 23, 2025

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